Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Getting My Pack On

A few quick random comments:

Who mountain climbs with a dog? How does that work? Does the dog have a harness? Do you belay him up and down places? Erica? Marc?

Will everyone just shut up about Brittany? She looks great with a shaved head. This is maybe the best she’s ever looked. Here’s the rule. Pretty girls looks even prettier with shaved heads, because they are so striking. That’s when Sinead O’Conner looked best. Regular girls look worse with shaved heads because they don’t have their hair to cover anything up. Brittany may be a trashy has been pop-star with a knack for getting knocked up by sleaze bags, but she is pretty and therefore looks great bald.

I am moving into my apartment tomorrow. I am excited, because I will be able to have my stuff delivered and get Deirdre (my bike). I am bummed to be leaving the hotel where they clean up after me and bring fresh towels every day. I wish I could live in a hotel forever.

I have to go pack. (You know how much I like packing: Like a cat likes going through a car wash on a skateboard.)


Anonymous said...

I know your pain. We moved this weekend. It was painful, but it's (mostly) done. I'll be thinking of you.

Britney, Britney. I think she's just trying to get closer to Justin. Remember when he shaved his big mop off? Everyone looked. Cameron Diaz loved him. He sold many records.

Maybe Britney's actually after Cameron. One never knows.


amy said...

This whole Britney thing irritates me too because I don't think there's anything wrong with girls shaving their heads. I know plenty of women who have done it and looked great!

Hope the moving process goes smoothly!

Paige said...

moose belays me up the tougher spots. he was bred from a long line a sherpa dogs.

courtney said...

Dennis - The move actually wasn't as tough as I was afraid it would be. Glad you are all settled in Richardson.

Amy - Yeah! Natalie Portman shaved her head. What's the big deal?

Paige - Tell moose I said "Snarfle".