My bracket is in a total shambles. I haven’t been following NCAA BB this year. I have been in Australia. Have I mentioned that? I decided when I filled out my bracket to base it entirely on heart and allegiance. Genetically, I have Holy Cross winning two games and Louisville and U of K (Kentucky) in the elite 8. Of course, follow the logic, I have Georgetown winning it all.
The Yahoo! league I set up with all these Australians in it… (They are asking me things like what does Villanova Mean? “That’s a Native American term for flopping to get offensive foul calls… Syracuse means ‘soft schedule’.”) I’m dead last in the league. Dead last. They all picked on team color and mascot and I am last. Also I have not seen a single game yet, and that takes some of the fun out of March Madness.
Special to my extended family; Look. I’m sorry about the U of K loss to KU. We all are. Tubby has to go and by all reports will go. All we can do now is pull together and will the Hoyas to a win. I know you are with me.
Work is totally nuts. I am working late 6 nights a week. This seems unpleasantly familiar. Boo. I will have to work on some kind of mediation strategy but right now I am too busy.
Taco Night (pictured above) was fantastic. I had the team for tacos, nachos, and margaritas. We had a great time. There was a good turnout. (Joy, Liz, Hussey, Jess and Steven, Chris, Jillaine, Dr. Box (sarah) and of course Mel Jackson. Joy's sister Eshter was there as well.) The picture above is taken after the tacos are long gone and the 3rd pitcher of margaritas is running low. Afterwards we went out to a bunch of bars. We went dancing at a place near my apartment creatively named, “Lounge”. I started to get a little tired so I said goodbye to the girls and headed out. I could not believe it when I got outside and the sun was up. It was 8:30 by the time I got home, I needed huevos rancheros but I just went to sleep. Tequila! After that I went to practice on Sunday. Total Disaster!
I can’t find the food here that is just how I like it yet. It’s all okay, but just not exactly how I like it. That is really getting old. I am running out of my, “it’s fun to try new things” mood and I really want something to be just how I want it to be, and not have hidden pumpkin or sultanas, the official ingredients of all food here.
Adding to my food home sickness, is that the Gastronauts just had the one year birthday celebration without me. They went back to Su San for live seafood. There is a great new video on the site of the live octopus moments before being consumed.
I have to run. More on the weekend perhaps. Miss you. Send me some mail. Seriously.
Speaking of food, Courtney, you were way ahead of the trend! Check it out:
Wimps. They are attempting this in teams, not solo like you did.
i did not know you could cook.
swimming sounds difficult in kilda beach. i'm not a fan of jelly fish.
oh my cards and my cats....
woe is me.
go hoyas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nc state is still playing in the nit.
tubby is safe.............
Ali - I haven't even found a vending machine here. Isn't that nuts?
Mom - Tubby will go. Wait and see.
Does a comment count as mail? Well I just want to saying I am enjoying reading your blog. In fact, I now feel like I am more in touch with you than the whole time I was in DC and you were still in New York. Blogger is great. Anyways, your life sounds great. Wish I could get my employer to send me abroad (:
My coworker never did the vending machine challenge and we just moved into our new offices downtown where the vending machines contain more candy than chips.
I think you could've done it if there weren't those cinnamon buns.
Courtney, i have a ball reading your blogs, and the replies to the comments. Love your wit..
Hey Goldy, maybe you can start a wedding blog. That way, if you turn into the runaway bride there will already be a script for the made for TV movie!
Aunt Sara? Long time no see! It's great to know you're keeping and eye on me. Give my best to Sean.
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