Apologies for the delay. I was waiting to feel less exhausted to write this post, but I don't want to forget everything that happened and the current forecast for some decent rest is distant. Random thoughs I have on the Tournament:
Nationals was great. Thanks for everyone who checked in and was thinking of me over the tourrnament. There were professional photographers there taking photos daily and several of our games were featured, so I will post that link once those are up and you can check out the scene.
Our kit was all Patagonia. The jersey material is really nice. We liked them much better than Gaia. (I still recommend 5ultimate, but we needed a pretty quick turnaround so we went with someone larger and more established.) The patagonia shorts material was super light and thin. They looked great and dried very quickly. The only drawback was that they were so light they gave the impression of not being there at all and we were all saddled with the vague notion that we were wearing the emperor's new shorts.
We also had matching Team Box wristbands, supplied by Michelle, who morphed a former Nike swoosh into the bill and neck of a goose, perfectly completing our professional look.
We played 9 games over 4 days. We had a first round game EVERY day. I got a ride in two of the days and took the tram in two of the days. Either way I left very early in the morning each day and was very tired by the time to come back home. The tournament site was a good hour from downtown where I live (more by tram).
The tournement was well run. The fields were nice. Rounds started on time. Everyone was fed and watered. There were scoreboards, but no timekeepers.
For each of our games we did the same 60 minute warm up, with running, stretching, plyos, drills and sprinting. After each game we did the same cooldown with running, plyos, stretching, and singing.
Team Box pre-game chants included:
Get out of the Box and into the Zone, Team Box is going to take this home.
Open the flaps, get into the box.
1-2-3 - Team! 1-2-3 Box! 1-2-3 Go Team Box!
Team box had 15 year olds and women who haad been playing for 10 years. I asked Sophie, one of our high school kids what she was doing for school on Monday and Tuesday. "Oh yeah. I'm not going."
Team Box captains insisted on and stuck to a plan where no subs were called. Even in finals. On most teams this would have been a disaster, but everyone on Team Box got along and there were no disc hogs and I think we all had equal, fair playing time and everyone was happy about it. Those of you who don't play won't understand how remarkable this is. Those who do play will not believe me that this happened. This is like Joe Torre just telling the Yankees to bat in whatever order they all agree on, and it working out instantly and silently with no dissenters. It was great.
Wednesday was the final day of the tournament. It was a national holiday here in Australia (ANZAC day) which I think is something about World War One and Turkey. It's basically veterans day. Of the 4 women's teams in semis, 3 were from Sydney. We played the Sydney Southsiders at 9, and they were looking for revenge for the close pool play round loss we handed them on day 2. It was a gorgeous day with very little wind. Every point was hotly contested and we were down 6-8 at half. In the second half we came out with a junk/clammy D and scored 5 in a row to get to 11-8. After that we traded points to get to 15. I was in on several of those D points and it was so exciting to feel the momentum of the game shift. You could see it in the Southside body language that they just knew we had stepped up the intensity and they were going to lose.
In Finals, we faced the only team we had lost two all tournement, Wildcard. There were a lot of spectators. The finals were filmed and there were commenators calling play-by-play. It was all a bit distracting, and I think our youth showed as a team. We came out slow in the first half with some acharactertistic mistakes including a pull out of bounds at mid-field and a dropped pull. Wildcard played a force middle D that effectively shut down our horizontal stack offense. They took half 8-6. We played a little better in the second half and even had some little runs, but never really played our best. I think we were tired and a bit unused to adversity. Wildcard played very well and played low risk disciplined O. The game was filled with layouts and sic bids on both sides and many people in the crowd said it was the highest level of play they had seen at a women's finals.
After finals we had a team circle up, a birthday cake for Riss, and then we got some beers and barbeque and watched the men's final. After that, there was an awards ceremony where we all got our second place medals and our name called out. It was fun cheering for everyone.
After the awards ceremony we had some champagne, went out for dumplings, and then I went home to deal with having to go to work the next day. I had a great time this season with Team Box and I'm dissapointed that the season is over and wondering what else I can find as an excuse to escape work.
Wow that is incredible, I can't believe they didn't call subs (even in finals!!) Congrats again Courtney, and I'm glad you had such a great experience.
Congratulations! Sounds very exciting - although I have no clue what you are talking about. Hope all is well. We are all good - just gearing up for the Ky Derby. Take care! Love, Janet
wow what a great experience.
congratulations to team box !!!
congrats to boom !!!!!!!!!!!!!
i want pics and films if possible.
what an exciting tournament.
take care and love u
patagonia jerseys are the BEST. even though i'm gonna be gone all summer, i'm mandating that ambush get patagonia jerseys this year (i'll get you one, don't worry.)
i missed you at bush tryouts. but i'm glad you're playing on a national level team finally =)
Sounds awesome. No subs? I'm trying to picture it. Well, maybe you can play again in Florida in November...
Great work on a great season! Team Box couldn't have done it without you, Courtney! Way to represent the BK Hustle and the Ambush style. And absolutely fantastic recap. I could really start to get a sense of what it would mean to have a co-ed naked beach ultimate tournament with your description of the shorts. I think this is something I will have to discuss with my friends in the southern tip of France where nude beaches are the norm and clothes are for emperors! On a side note, this weekend is Wonderful Copenhagen. Makes me kinda sad. What a great time we had last year!
I wanted to say thanks for the books. They are great.
Conrats to you and Team Box.
Amy - Thanks for checking in.
Janet - I know, it is a cult. It makes no sense, but I love it. Have a great Derby. Maybe I will try to find a Mint Julep somewhere.
Mom - Again, the judicous use of punctutation.
Marabird - Sweeeeeet. Don't let any of the new rookies have 55.
Ali - Put me on the Roster. Does NE have 3 spots or 4 this year?
Max! Yes, it was large, like the 'lyn is large. I can't believe it's a whole year since Wonderful Copenhagen. Man. I wonder which door Will Moss is breaking a down today?
Madison - So glad you got your books. I hope you enjoy those.
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