Back at 301, I rang up Joy and Hussey and we took the tram down to Port Melbourne to walk around. This is us on the pier. It was windy out and 13 degrees (about 55F).

Another thing I really enjoy about Australia is a nightly call in radio quiz on the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation.) Below is a typical exchange:
HOST: Question 2: In what year was the American President John F. Kennedy assassinated?
CALLER: {hem and haw for 60 seconds, mention Jackie’s clothes, and perhaps that Bobby was also Killed, and that you have a neighbor named Bobby, etc.}
HOST: I’m going to have to ask you for an answer. In what year was the American President John F. Kennedy Assassinated?
CALLER: Can I have a clue?
HOST: All right. The decade was the 1960s.
CALLER: {repeat extended hesitation. Recount where you were when you saw the news.}
HOST: I’m going to have to ask you for an answer. In what year in the 1960s was the American President John F. Kennedy Assassinated?
CALLER: I wonder if you could tell me if the year was even or odd?
HOST: All right: Odd. So there you go. An odd year in the 1960s. In what year was the American President John F. Kennedy Assassinated? 1961, 63, 65, 67 or 69?
CALLER: {Profess that it is all coming back to you and you can recall the year. You almost have it. If only you knew if it was in the early or later part of the decade…}
HOST: Right-o. I would say it is in the earlier half of the decade. So 1961, 63, or possibly 65. Are you ready for a guess?
CALLER: Can I ask my friend/husband/wife/neighbor?
HOST: Of course.
{Sound of the phone being put down on the kitchen table. Sound of the caller hollering down a hall.}
CALLER: {to host} What is the question again?
HOST: {Polite sigh} In what year in the was the American President John F. Kennedy Assassinated? 1961, 63, or 65?
CALLER: {Shouting down the hall} In what year in the was the American President John F. Kennedy Assassinated? 1961, 63, or 65?
HALLWAY EXPERT: {repeat the question, repeat above hemming and hawing, and mention Jackie’s clothes, and perhaps that Bobby was also Killed, and that you have a neighbor named Bobby, etc.}
HALLWAY EXPERT: I’m certain it was 1961. That was the year we redid the roof.
CALLER: Ok. I’m going to go with 1961.
HOST: {Genuine empathy} Oh! I’m sorry. That’s not it. Let’s go to our next caller.
HOST: Question 2: In what year was the American President John F. Kennedy assassinated?
CALLER: {hem and haw for 60 seconds, mention Jackie’s clothes, and perhaps that Bobby was also Killed, and that you have a neighbor named Bobby, etc.}
HOST: I’m going to have to ask you for an answer. In what year was the American President John F. Kennedy Assassinated?
CALLER: Can I have a clue?
HOST: All right. The decade was the 1960s.
CALLER: {repeat extended hesitation. Recount where you were when you saw the news.}
HOST: I’m going to have to ask you for an answer. In what year in the 1960s was the American President John F. Kennedy Assassinated?
CALLER: I wonder if you could tell me if the year was even or odd?
HOST: All right: Odd. So there you go. An odd year in the 1960s. In what year was the American President John F. Kennedy Assassinated? 1961, 63, 65, 67 or 69?
CALLER: {Profess that it is all coming back to you and you can recall the year. You almost have it. If only you knew if it was in the early or later part of the decade…}
HOST: Right-o. I would say it is in the earlier half of the decade. So 1961, 63, or possibly 65. Are you ready for a guess?
CALLER: Can I ask my friend/husband/wife/neighbor?
HOST: Of course.
{Sound of the phone being put down on the kitchen table. Sound of the caller hollering down a hall.}
CALLER: {to host} What is the question again?
HOST: {Polite sigh} In what year in the was the American President John F. Kennedy Assassinated? 1961, 63, or 65?
CALLER: {Shouting down the hall} In what year in the was the American President John F. Kennedy Assassinated? 1961, 63, or 65?
HALLWAY EXPERT: {repeat the question, repeat above hemming and hawing, and mention Jackie’s clothes, and perhaps that Bobby was also Killed, and that you have a neighbor named Bobby, etc.}
HALLWAY EXPERT: I’m certain it was 1961. That was the year we redid the roof.
CALLER: Ok. I’m going to go with 1961.
HOST: {Genuine empathy} Oh! I’m sorry. That’s not it. Let’s go to our next caller.
Let’s just say the host is no Alex Trabek.
In other news, this week was pretty good. On Wednesday, I went to the National Australian Frisbee team try–outs (a long shot but tryouts were fun). All week work was crazy, but perhaps in a promising way. Friday night I went to the Mountain Goat Brewery with Jess, Joy, Liz and Hussey and then back to their house to watch a close match of footy. On Saturday, Chris and Liz came over to watch a movie and eat pasta. Sunday I went for a long run and then I went to a birthday outing (Happy Day Esther!) at a bar in Fed Square a block or so from my apartment with much drinking and dancing.
Dad, I put a Father’s day present in the mail to you. Keep an eye out. It’s up to the whims of the Australian postal system if that’s your Father’s day present for 2007 or 2008.
On the NBA: Is his name LeBron or LeBroom? Tim Duncan is such a boring, dominant superstar.
Mailbag: Thanks to Ali for the postcard from Tuscany. Apparently there is something more to Italy than beach ultimate. Who knew?
Let’s just say the host is no Alex Trabek.
In other news, this week was pretty good. On Wednesday, I went to the National Australian Frisbee team try–outs (a long shot but tryouts were fun). All week work was crazy, but perhaps in a promising way. Friday night I went to the Mountain Goat Brewery with Jess, Joy, Liz and Hussey and then back to their house to watch a close match of footy. On Saturday, Chris and Liz came over to watch a movie and eat pasta. Sunday I went for a long run and then I went to a birthday outing (Happy Day Esther!) at a bar in Fed Square a block or so from my apartment with much drinking and dancing.
Dad, I put a Father’s day present in the mail to you. Keep an eye out. It’s up to the whims of the Australian postal system if that’s your Father’s day present for 2007 or 2008.
On the NBA: Is his name LeBron or LeBroom? Tim Duncan is such a boring, dominant superstar.
Mailbag: Thanks to Ali for the postcard from Tuscany. Apparently there is something more to Italy than beach ultimate. Who knew?
And finally, here's a link for my sister Lynn. You're not alone, sis! Then again, she might not get it...
happy belated birthday, miss kelly. and don't worry, big brother is still watching from time to time.
sorry about your bike.
the girls are having a ball reading your blogg and checking out the great pics.
mac had a bubble bath today.
lindy is quite the little horsewoman.
kate is in to climbing trees.
love u
Its Zannie, Adam's wife! I finally got the blog address from Mary and just wanted to say hello! It sounds like you're having a fantastic time and rightfully so. We hope you are loving your big Australian adventure and hope to hear from you soon!
Lots of Love,
The Stitzers
Happy belated Bidet, Courtney.
Romer - Thanks for stopping by. Here's hoping the poker still pays your rent.
Mom - Glad you had fun with Kate and Lindy visiting you in Maryland and that you spent time bathing the horses and the girls spent time in the trees. When the horses go for braces and you tie the girls up in a paddock I guess then I'll worry.
Zannie - HELLO! Thanks for checking in. When are you and Adam coming to visit? You are welcome to stay any time. Hope married life is treating you swell. please tell Adam I said hello.
Curtiss - Thanks. I guess... I don't even have a Bidet. I'm in Australia, not France. ;} Hope you had fun at Ommigang.
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