Sunday, December 31, 2017

Peace on Earth 2001

(unedited Mike Kelly Xmas Letter)

Peace on Earth

                                                                                                December, 2001
Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year from the Kellys.

     2001 has been a quiet year for us. We are enjoying our home atop the Blue Ridge in Myersville, Md. I am now working on the Navy Internet project for EDS, constructing PC networks at Navy facilities around the country. We are close enough to North Carolina and to New York City to see Lynn, Robbie, Kate and Courtney fairly often.
    Lynn, Robbie, and Kate still live in Cary, NC.  Lynn is expecting another baby in July, so it looks like this grandparent business is really picking up. Barb and I really enjoy the time we spend with Kate.

    Courtney lives in New Your City and still loves it. She is able to be in this area and visit us from time to time.

   We were fortunate to have several groups of friends visit our house this year. We also spent a week with the family at Oak Island Beach in North Carolina.

    We are located about an hour from Washington, DC, and from Baltimore, so if you are in the area, please plan to visit us. 11908 Woodland Way Rd., Myersville, MD 21773.
phone 301-293-4375. Email:  or:

Peace be with you,

Mike and Barbara Kelly

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