Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Day 3: Can it only be 3 days?

Come on America. Pull yourself together! I’m gone less than a week and the Astronauts starts kidnapping each other in diapers? That seems like an overreaction.

I’m trying to make jet-lag work for me. I’ve been getting up early and working out and spending some time online before going to work, and then trying to go to bed early. Only I could get up at 5 AM and nearly be late for a 9 AM meeting. I am a world-class dawdler. I was thinking, I have four hours to kill all morning and stretching and cooling down slowly and checking my e-mail.

I started the day with another great run. Today, I ran around the Royal Botanical Garden, which was beautiful. Supposedly, they are on water restriction here for a drought but I’m not sure it could have looked more lush. I was running with my tiny iPod shuffle that Emily gave the team for Christmas (thanks Emily!). I have named my shuffle
Nelson De la Rosa. I was listening to Matisyahu. (Maybe you were too Mara?) Melbourne is a great place to play plus/minus. I think I am up +50 after only two runs. I also think that the one woman who passed me looked like she had an American stride. The running paths are sand, so I’m sure that is good for my knees and back.

My second day of work went pretty well. I met even more people and attended 4 pretty informative meetings. I’ll meet the person I actually report to for the first time on a call on Thursday. Until then I’m just trying to get up to speed.

I went to the Accenture office briefly today, which is about a block from my hotel and pretty close to all the Telstra buildings. I bumped in to Elaine Beeman (who I worked for at AOL) on the 18th floor. She looked great. It was really nice to see a familiar face.

As promised, the ‘hook right’ (incredible animation, please check this out) is a driving maneuver which is practiced only in Melbourne. Even other Australians think it is nuts. Remember, they drive on the left side of the road here. In Melbourne, if they want to make a right turn, they pull all the way over to the furthest left lane, and then cross back across all the lanes to make the turn. Dad, when you guys come visit you will have to rent a car so that you can attempt this maneuver. Perhaps you can even institute it back in Maryland. I think it will be a huge hit and I'd love to hear you explain it to the traffic police. I recommend everyone give it a shot at home. Let me know how it works out for you.

Thanks to everyone who’s left a comment. They totally make my day.


Anonymous said...

Courtney, just catching up on your first few days now. Wish I were there. We were in Sydney and a few places on the west coast last year. Absolutely love Australia. (Sydney has Big W too!).

Let me add that I thoroughly applaud the use of the hook-right. It clearly maximizes your own use of the road. And think about it, isn't that what life is really all about?

- Douglas -

Anonymous said...

Hi courtney Here is a try at a comment on your blog. We picked up Kate anout 5 minuts late from the bus stop today, it is the coldest day of the year. We are bad parents. Raliegh is fine nothing to report. We are not wearing diapers.

courtney said...

lynn, you tried to be anonymous but your poor spelling and grammar are a dead giveaway. i'm glad to hear you got the girls all out of diapers in time to have a little break before we put you in to them. as your little sister, i'd like to take this opportunity to remind you that no matter how old i get, you'll always be older. xxoo

courtney said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
courtney said...

douglas, it's been so long. thanks for checking in. glad you are well and still thinking outside the box, as well as outside the realm of reality. ;) give my best to your family.

Anonymous said...

The hook right isnt just a melbourne thing. They do it all over that crazy country.

Hope you are having fun.


Anonymous said...

I love reading about your happenings. Your reply comments are priceless.

other relatives in Louisville