This Tuesday was a Victorian State holiday. It was a day off for Melbourne Cup Day. As dutiful Victorians Liz and I decided to attend the race. We took her Chris (another 55) and Pottsy who can be seen getting schooled on page 170 of Tony & Zagoria's book. It was a big horse race. It was a lot like the Kentucky Derby, without the blanket of roses, Mint Juleps, or My Old Kentucky Home. That is to say it was just another horse race. Melbournians wear their finest to the race, even to sit in the infield. The behavior is pretty much the same, but chances are that drunk girl two blankets over passed out in her own puke is wearing a thousand dollar dress and Malono Blahniks. It is nuts. Here's us:
Chris and Pottsy having a beer
Liz, Chris and Pottsy
Pottsy, Liz and Chris, still with beer. (You get the idea)
Me laughing at Liz
Me and Liz enjoying some Champers, (there is a racetrack behind us somewhere, note the guys in ties sitting on the grass)
We bet a lot but did not win too much. We had a fun day and a nice picnic lunch.
Team Box had a preliminary get together to throw around a bit on Monday which was nice. It was good to play again.Work persists in being totally nuts.In other news, I took this photo while shopping for the picnic lunch we had today at the race.
See the pink bunny selling the Duracell batteries. I am flummoxed. You can see him better here on Duracell's website.Don't we all remember the Energizer Bunny?!?!?!?! If not click here.This tells me two things. 1) Pink Bunnies = Sell Batteries. Is this obvious? Please explain. 2) Duracell's ad company said persuasive things like: "Oh yeah when we take the sunglasses off it makes him seem more trustworthy." And someone believed this was not just copying your homework off the person sitting next to you, and an ad campaign was born. :(The Window box is getting out of hand. The Erinus is still growing, but the Lavender is ranging out and tangling up with the Erinus. I do not approve. The poor Begonia seems less happy every day. It just drops blooms. See?
hi ck you look great. going to the races agrees with you.
great pics.
the window box looks great. lavender ranges and i think it is pretty tangled up with erinus. begonias drop blooms and don't like tons of sun. the plant looks very healthy.
i don't know what to say about that pink bunny . i thought he was energizer.
look at you all dressed up! you look awesome.
Hi Mom!!!
Paige, I'm the one on the left. No seriously, I guess it's my annual clean-up. I haven't been to a wedding in a while so I guess this counts.
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